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1635 Posts |
Posted - 08/31/2007 : 5:43:58 PM
Mark, You wrote: Your heart does a dang good job of keeping time (6/8, if you really must know.) When musicians play in synch, their heartbeats get in line.
Not only your heart beats get in synch, but your brains waves synch up too. For me, that's the really interesting part. |
1628 Posts |
Posted - 09/01/2007 : 07:00:06 AM
quote: Not only your heart beats get in synch, but your brains waves synch up too. For me, that's the really interesting part.
Ah, that age old mind-body duality!!
On a serious note -- yep, that's what musicians have known for ages. It's a matter of synch or swim.... |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2007 : 06:03:53 AM
Here is the song which of late has attracted my attention. My goal is to learn to sing this without a cheat sheet and to research the origins and kaona. If you go on Auntie Maria's web site, you will find over 30 entries for this song, done by such a wide variety of artists and done in a wide variety of styles, iincluding instrumentals. The most beautiful vocal version I have heard is by Rodgers Lena Naipo, which I have on "Hula Big Island Style" (available from Auntie Maria).
Here are the lyrics. If anyone has any stories to tell about the history of the mele, I would appreciate if you would be kind enough to share your mana`o.
Pauoa Ka Liko Ka Lehua - Emma Bush
Aia i Pauoa ka liko ka lehua Ka `i`ini pau `ole a ka makemake
Makemake nô wau la e `ike lihi *(makemake no au a`e i ka lihi) I ka lawe ha`aheo a ke kîkala
Pâlua, pâkolu i ke kekona I ka ho`i `âkau ho`i i ka hema
Hemahema ka palena ua lolelole `Ua `ewa ka pilina me ka nihoniho
Nihoniho mai nei ko pelekoki I ka iho `akau ho`i i ka hema *(I ka iho makawalu o ka lihilihi)
A he lihi kuleana ko`u i laila I ka lo`u `ûmi`i a ka huapala
He aloha kahi wai o `Auwaiolimu Ia wai lomi lima me ku`u aloha
Ha`ina `ia mai ana ka puana Aia i Pauoa ka liko lehua
*Alternate Stanzas ---------------------------- There at Pauoa is the lehua bud My endless yearning and desire
I'd like to catch even a glimpse *(Of the proud swaying hips) Of her figure strutting about
Twice, thrice in a second Back and forth, right to left
Not fitting right, the border is turned inside out The toothed edges do not fit perfectly
Your petticoat is scalloped Swaying to the right and then to the left *(The inner layers of quantities of lace)
I took a rightful interest there The sweetheart bent over with a sidepain from walking too fast
Beloved is the stream of `Auwaiolimu The water where hands were fondled with my loved one
Tell the refrain There at Pauoa is the lehua bud
*Alternate Translation
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
117 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2007 : 09:23:00 AM
Currently working on Sanoe, putting the finishing touches on Ozzies Napili Chimes, and trying to memorize E ku'u Morning Dew which I can play but not yet from memory. On the back burner is Ku'u kika kahiko which prooved too much of a challenge for me at present. I'll try again soon!
-Lance |
"Hey Lance, try watch." -Ozzie |
133 Posts |
Posted - 09/18/2007 : 10:23:38 AM
I'm attempting "Wanting Memories" by Keali'i Reichel in F Wahine. Wahine Ilikea in a modified Taro Patch "G", and "E Kuu Lei Awapuhi Melemele", "Sanoe" and "Kalena Kai". There are numerous other valiant attempts at other songs when I cruise through my list of favorite tunings. I like the sound of "Honu Tuning", but I can't think of a song that works with it. Any ideas? KOKUA! |
2368 Posts |
Posted - 09/18/2007 : 11:51:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by mpi_50
"Wanting Memories" by Keali'i Reichel
To hear a different take on this song, see if you can find the original version, performed by Sweet Honey In The Rock. |
238 Posts |
Posted - 01/09/2008 : 6:57:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Pua Kai
Aloha! Dick, Scott and I are working on Ozzie's version of Ka Uluwehi O Ke Kai..... It would be very nice to have a simple recording of it,
Does anyone have tabs for this song. I would like to learn the slack key version. |
562 Posts |
Posted - 01/12/2008 : 12:35:41 AM
Aloha! I am currently working on the song "Hilo" written by Keali'i Blaisdell on the piano.
At the moment though, I am trying to learn the words to Weldon Kekauoha's song Queen's Jubilee also. Its a beautiful song by Queen Liliuokalani.
Alana :) |
Aloha Kakou, maluhia a me aloha mau loa (Hello everyone, peace and love forever) |
Edited by - hawaiianmusiclover06 on 01/12/2008 12:40:36 AM |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 03:40:58 AM
I was working on scrapbook pictures from our trip to Wolftrap and remembering the fun we had and the nice songs from Claudia and Jack and everyone. Jack played "Mele for my Tutu E" on my `ukulele and I remembered this thread where he said he was working in the song. Well, I have to tell you that he musta worked on it well, because he did a fantastic job of it. I love the song. I always think of Martin Pahinui when I hear it. Jack sure did it justice.
But what ARE you working on now folks? I am working on the second verse of `Ulupalakua. I always seem to get messed up on it for some reason. Just the first two lines of the second verse. I know the hula moves, but why cannot I remember the words? Yeah, Ed & Glenn -- I know. Must be because I am a makule old fut. I am also working on Hokule`a Star of Gladness. That is so Jay can be proud of me when we get together next time. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
Edited by - wcerto on 09/06/2008 05:36:34 AM |
1260 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 04:30:41 AM
Last week in my 'ukulele lesson, I branched out and worked on "Something," "Let it Be," and "Hey Jude." Besides all the Hawaiian songs I play, I also figured out "Free Falling" last weekend. I want to finger pick "Stairway to Heaven." |
He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.
'Alika / Polinahe |
Edited by - alika207 on 09/06/2008 10:02:29 AM |
1260 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 04:34:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by wcerto
I was working on scrapbook pictures from our trip to Wolftrap and remembering the fun we had and the nice songs from Claudia and Jack and everyone. Jack played "Mele for my Tutu E" on my `ukulele and I remembered this thread where he said he was working in the song. Well, I have to tell you that he musta worked on it well, because he did a fantastic job of it. I love the song. I always think of Martin Pahinui when I hear it. Jack sure did it justice.
But what ARE you working on now folks? I am working on the second verse of `Ulupalakua. I always seem to get messed up on it for some reason. Just the first two lines of the second verse. I know the hula moves, but why cannot I remember the words? Yeah, Ed & Glenn -- I know. Must be because I am a mkaule old fut. I am also working on Hokule`a Star of Gladness. That is so Jay can be proud of me when we get together next time.
The Iz one or the Leon and Malia one? |
He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.
'Alika / Polinahe |
5052 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 05:36:54 AM
The Iz one. |
Me ke aloha Malama pono, Wanda |
2368 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 07:14:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by wcerto
Jack played "Mele for my Tutu E" on my `ukulele and I remembered this thread where he said he was working in the song. Well, I have to tell you that he musta worked on it well, because he did a fantastic job of it. I love the song. I always think of Martin Pahinui when I hear it. Jack sure did it justice.
He's just about got "Pua Mana" down now. |
280 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 10:11:50 AM
The John Cruz version of Kawailehue'a'alakahonua. Simple but oh so pretty. About got Jesse Tinsley's version of Paliakamoa down...thanks for sharing that with us Jesse. |
What? You mean high "E" is the TOP string. No way dude! That changes everything! |
Luna Ho`omalu
1533 Posts |
Posted - 09/06/2008 : 4:19:44 PM
Thanks, Podagee. That song has a wide vocal range and is a chore to sing. I've been sitting around playing songs lately, but have realized that I'm not a perfectionist so I work on a song for five minutes, then I'm done and off to something else. I guess my lack of focus will keep me in the amateur camp, but that's okay. I just play for fun.
Jesse Tinsley |
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