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Luna Ho`omalu

1533 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2008 :  5:27:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit hapakid's Homepage
Hey, braddah Duke, no reason to put pressure on yourself when you play music. That's why we play in the first place. If I play something really well, I wish someone was there to hear it. If I play something adequate but mediocre, I put it on Youtube!

Jesse Tinsley
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1635 Posts

Posted - 09/06/2008 :  7:52:13 PM  Show Profile
Working on a song for 5 minutes and moving on is just too frustrating for me. I know that it doesn't matter what the subject at hand, if I want to learn something, or get good enough at it to where it pleases me, I have to give it time and attention.

Typically, it takes me a few months to get a new song into my repetoire. I usually work in sessions that last anywhere from 30 to 60, even 90 minutes (I often loose track of time.) First I figure out the melody, then chords. Sometimes I get lucky or it was already published, othertimes it might take going back to it a couple of times - days, weeks, months apart. Sometimes I give up and return 9 - 12 months later and it falls into place. Then the real fun of fiddling with an arrangement starts - most of the time that takes a couple of sessions, with space in between. I've gotten a song up in a week when I needed to for a wedding, but usually it takes me 3 - 6 months to feel good about a number.

Of course, with the addition of Kevin (who will turn 2 next week! yeah!) I have not been adding a whole lot to my repetoire. Last year has just been trying to keep the technique from becoming too decrepit, and keeping up the stuff I already know.
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5052 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2008 :  01:21:07 AM  Show Profile
Eh Raymond, time for sharing a new Kevin picture with us. Da buggah almos a man awreddy.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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280 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2008 :  09:41:43 AM  Show Profile  Visit Podagee57's Homepage
I'm kinda' like Jesse. I never intend to perform - mostly music is for me and my sanity - so getting it so I can just play it is enough for me. There are a few songs that I really worked on the instrumental parts of, like Waimanalo Blues, just because they're so darned fun to play. But playing in front of a crowd? Too much jitters...now playing with a crowd, that's kinda fun.

What? You mean high "E" is the TOP string. No way dude! That changes everything!
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850 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2008 :  11:50:08 AM  Show Profile
For me it is hard to learn a new song quickly. I don't do my own arrangments yet--well, I have one--so there is a lot to remember. I usually work on three/four incomplete songs and slowly narrow my focus before I get serious about polishing the song. I add small changes along the way. Like Raymond, it takes months of prep but that is how I memorize them.

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1635 Posts

Posted - 09/07/2008 :  7:23:28 PM  Show Profile
For the record,
My approach to music was the way I worked long before I even thought of playing in public. I have to do a lot of other people's stuff in many areas of life - when it comes to music, most of the time I just want to play my own arrangements and/or songs. (There are some exceptions - some arrangements are just to beautiful to pass up, some classicals songs I just wanta play - but they are exceptions.) Music is the place where "my creativity" gets to play - to some others that may look like work - for me, it is play.
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1055 Posts

Posted - 09/08/2008 :  07:58:09 AM  Show Profile
Currently , I'm working on "Follow The Drinking Gourd" and "Amazing Grace" plus my lines for my "acting" debut in "Escape On The Underground Railroad" September 20th.And waiting for the Hula School to come back from summer hiatus. I'll be brushing up on the hula's for them also, To Ma'i Ho Eu' Eu, Pua Mana, Ulupalakua, and Hula O Makee.

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello
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50 Posts

Posted - 09/10/2008 :  8:46:23 PM  Show Profile
I'm working on:
Slack Key Hula
Silver Strings (aka Silver threads among the gold)
Pua Lililehua (hopefully some instrumental that gets the whole song without just playing the same thing over and over again)
Can't Help Falling In Love (same as previous song)
Good Luck Charm (same as previous two songs)
If I could sing I would work on,
I Kona
Na Ka Pueo
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358 Posts

Posted - 09/11/2008 :  5:14:14 PM  Show Profile  Visit hikabe's Homepage
I just finished tabbing out Dust In The Wind for 3 ukuleles. It took me about 6 hours within 2 days. I am rewriting and finishing Quiet Village. It will take a total of about 4 hours to tab the whole thing. When I tabbed The Little Fugue in Gm for three ukes, it took 2 months to tab and a year to get the group ready to perform it. Other songs I have tabbed are Hiilawe, Ahulili, Waika, Pua Olena, Take Five, Stairway to Heaven, Pineapple Mango, Kona Wind, Aoia, E Kuu Morning Dew, Hene Hene Kou Aka, Island Style, Something, Lil Brown Gal, Kaulana O Hilo Hanakahi, Maui-Hawaiian Suppa Man, Na Moku Eha, No Ke Ano Ahiahi, Noho Pai Pai, Kawika, Panini Pua Kea, Pua Lililehua, Ulili E, Brazil, Europa, Hotel CA, Touch, Wake me Up When Sept. Ends, Wave, The Wind Cries Mary, Sushi, Eleanor Rigby, Kauanoeanuhea, Temacan, Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy, and some originals.
I have also chord charted many more songs. If anyone would like to try some of my tabs, send me an email and I will send a sample of Pua Lililehua for 3 ukes. I hope to put a book together someday,
I should mention that I mostly tab for the uke, bass and standard guitar. Most of the time I use the uke or guitar to learn a new song. I use the piano for songs with more complex progressions.
I use my tabs to teach skills to my students. But when I perform, I improvise.

Stay Tuned...
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850 Posts

Posted - 09/12/2008 :  01:38:43 AM  Show Profile
Hikabe: The group I have been associating with lately would enjoy having tab for three ukes. I think you should do it.

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923 Posts

Posted - 09/16/2008 :  08:13:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit marzullo's Homepage  Send marzullo an AOL message
I've been polishing a jazzy uke version of "I'm Into Something Good", playing with a sequence of chords in Leonard's F that I came up with while recently in Na`alehu, and working on "Hello Hilo".

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1260 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2008 :  11:44:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit alika207's Homepage  Send alika207 an AOL message  Click to see alika207's MSN Messenger address  Send alika207 a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by marzullo

I've been polishing a jazzy uke version of "I'm Into Something Good", playing with a sequence of chords in Leonard's F that I came up with while recently in Na`alehu, and working on "Hello Hilo".

Yeah, Kili, you did that for me last time we talked, and I thought it was maika'i no!

E wala'au kaua!

He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.

'Alika / Polinahe
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562 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  01:26:27 AM  Show Profile  Visit hawaiianmusiclover06's Homepage  Send hawaiianmusiclover06 an AOL message  Click to see hawaiianmusiclover06's MSN Messenger address  Send hawaiianmusiclover06 a Yahoo! Message
The song that I am working on and trying to figure out with TABS for the 'ukulele is Amazing Grace. The book that I am learning from is Discovering the 'Ukulele written by Herb Ohta Jr. and Daniel Ho.

Alana :)

Aloha Kakou, maluhia a me aloha mau loa (Hello everyone, peace and love forever)

Edited by - hawaiianmusiclover06 on 09/20/2008 01:27:09 AM
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1511 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  07:18:02 AM  Show Profile
I'm currently learning Ernie Taveres' "Koala Chimes", "Kohala March" and trying to figure out the vagaries of the B11 tuning for my steel, and whatever Da Oddah Guyz throw at me. "Koala Chimes" is all harmonice - you don't need a steel at all!

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1260 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2008 :  02:28:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit alika207's Homepage  Send alika207 an AOL message  Click to see alika207's MSN Messenger address  Send alika207 a Yahoo! Message
Originally posted by hawaiianmusiclover06

The song that I am working on and trying to figure out with TABS for the 'ukulele is Amazing Grace. The book that I am learning from is Discovering the 'Ukulele written by Herb Ohta Jr. and Daniel Ho.

Alana :)

As I said in the performance section, you would have loved Daniel's portion of last night's show. Amazing!

He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.

'Alika / Polinahe
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