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 Are mainland haoles cockaroaching the music?
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1526 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2008 :  10:06:26 AM  Show Profile
Al, what you wrote moved me deeply. I am not quite sure why, because it is an emotional and spiritual reaction, and this is not usual for me. But, perhaps it is because you wrote the, or a, truth simply and eloquently about something I care about. Thank you.

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1055 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2008 :  5:01:55 PM  Show Profile
I listen to what I like to hear. I try to play what touches me. I may be guilty as charged. But then again, it was for sale. I bought it. Some of them are even autographed by Mike Kaawa, Dennis Kamakahi, Cyril Pahinui and others.I'm not sure if I'm supporting the artists or my jones for Hawaiian music.But then, I kidnapped the Lindburg Baby, too. I'm just an all-around bad person. "Paint pictures, nosy. All talk is lies." Bob Dylan

"A master banjo player isn't the person who can pick the most notes.It's the person who can touch the most hearts." Patrick Costello
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2174 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2008 :  7:51:31 PM  Show Profile
Slipry1 likes to quote Duke Ellington saying, "There are only two kinds of music, good and bad." Jack adds: "And I play'em both."
When we get to know another human, we are changed and they are also. Music is communication, although in our world it is treated like "product".
We are fortunate to like music that is closer to communication than "product". Even Bluegrass musicians know that you have to "howdy and shake" and talk to the fans. Accessability and communication. One song at a time........
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2368 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  08:11:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Okay, my fears about this thread have greatly subsided, and I thank those of you who have posted for some wonderful, thought-provoking, respectful, straight-forward, and often humorous discussion.

May I add another point? We are fortunate to have lived in a time where recording technology has existed for a century or so. When someone takes music and changes it (as someone will always do), if you don't like what they change, you can always go back and listen again to the kind you do like.

Doesn't matter where the guitar originated, or the first language of the player. Doesn't matter if you like the orchestrated IZ album, or the unadorned barefoot originals, or both; no one makes you throw out the one and choose it exclusively over the other.

We all love certain kinds of music. If somebody "bends" it, what then? I've heard hip-hop renditions of some of my favorite songs from my youth. Do I like it? (Well, I admit, I usually do, because I am fond of having the familiar presented in new ways - but that's just me.) But let's suppose I hated it. Do I lose sleep over whether or not the song's original creators are seeing any of the money being made by the hip-hop artist? No - instead, I take joy in the knowledge that there are a handful of kids who will be inspired to check out the original source, and a few of them will be moved to evangelize about that great old stuff that they recently "discovered."

And I can still listen to the originals, any time I want.
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Peter Medeiros

546 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  08:21:32 AM  Show Profile  Visit Peter Medeiros's Homepage
So what Gregg, we pass or no pass?
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2368 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  09:20:05 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Originally posted by Peter Medeiros

So what Gregg, we pass or no pass?

Hah! It doesn't really matter, does it, Peter? Everybody passes!

Let's play - I still have so much to learn, and so little time on this world.
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1105 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  09:22:56 AM  Show Profile
E Gregg you went tip toe through the tulips? Are back home or what?

No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō.
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Peter Medeiros

546 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  09:23:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit Peter Medeiros's Homepage
kden, lez close dis bugga and move on
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Hula Rider

215 Posts

Posted - 04/15/2008 :  8:41:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Hula Rider's Homepage
Aloha Peter,

Mahalo for such an insightful and well-written post.

Healing and health be yours,

PS - ummmm - I ment the really long one. But the one above my reply fits, too! ;-)


Edited by - Hula Rider on 04/15/2008 8:42:24 PM
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1260 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2008 :  12:39:26 AM  Show Profile  Visit alika207's Homepage  Send alika207 an AOL message  Click to see alika207's MSN Messenger address  Send alika207 a Yahoo! Message
For a while I didn't know what I would say because I don't want this topic to go downhill in any way, but I think I'll just let you all know that so far all of the locals I met in Hawai'i Nei the last time I was there seemed to be very impressed that I could speak some Hawaiian and sing Hawaiian songs. They all want me to come back, as do I.

He kehau ho'oma'ema'e ke aloha.

'Alika / Polinahe

Edited by - alika207 on 04/18/2008 12:42:56 AM
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Mika ele

1493 Posts

Posted - 04/18/2008 :  11:46:18 AM  Show Profile
What a pleasant surprise to read your extensive and heartfelt discussion of a subject I know is of extreme importance to you. A good sign that you still have some good days in between the day-after-chemo days (I sat with my dad on a few of those). I really feel blessed to have spent so many weeks with you going over your book. And as you predicted, I am still now just understanding the concepts and the traditions you so faithfully chronicled. You are an inspiration to many of us and we are praying for your return to full health and doing what you love (besdies family), teaching.
E Malama Pono.

E nana, e ho'olohe. E pa'a ka waha, e hana ka lima.
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