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 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar / Hawaiian Music
 Kilauea Tuning
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Posted - 11/04/2008 :  11:46:39 AM  Show Profile  Send mpi_50 a Yahoo! Message
Remember me? I finally found a tuning that I can work with (without breaking strings. I've tuned down to C Kilauea ( The song Palolo really jumps in this format; C,A,D7,G7.) and I've built a sizeable library of songs that I can play (listeners can recognize the song). I've tried the chord finder website and da bugga get too much polka dot, wheech one suppose fo push? I have the words to more songs and need to find the chords, once that is established I can create the sound and accompaniments. I've also used my tuner and IPOD to help establish the chords which then is transposed to C; which is where I think my vocal range is. The question is even tyhough I have found something that I can work with, will it be adequate for most songs? Should I look into the traditional tunings?

Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2008 :  01:32:42 AM  Show Profile
Is this Kilauea, as in the Daniel Ho "G, Kilauea" ...
which is...
D G C G B E but slacked to C?...which would be G,C ,F C, E, B...and that would be EXTREME slack!
Or is there another C Kilauea?
His uke is a fourth higher in C kilauea...but that's a smalller "guitar" like instrument.
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