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 Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar / Hawaiian Music
 C tuning of Dennis Kamakahi...
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2008 :  07:31:59 AM  Show Profile
First of all, I hope Dennis is doing well after the close calls last year...
Even if some of us didn't add our prayers to the many posts, all of us were posting on the big sky web, and our quiet prayers and thoughts were there...

It's a little embarrassing, after 4 camps, to not be sure of Dennis's prefered C tuning...as used in Ulili E...on 2nd Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar, Master's Collection Vol. 2.
I think I remembere (MAYBE)...

C Mauna Loa (C, G, E, G, A, E,...???
but perhaps another C TUNING is his "default".
(Sometimes at camp we get so enthralled with Dennis's stories, we don't ask, or remember tuning talk...)
Bad memory, my default!
Best of health to Dennis...

Edited by - Kapila Kane on 11/07/2008 07:33:10 AM


238 Posts

Posted - 11/07/2008 :  5:37:57 PM  Show Profile  Visit les_maverick's Homepage  Send les_maverick an AOL message  Send les_maverick a Yahoo! Message
Hi Gordon:
I just met and spoke to Dennis last night.
He says he is doing very well.
He told me he is getting his exercise by walking everyday.
He ahs lost a lot a weight since I last saw him,
but his talk story and playing is still the same, incredible !
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Kapila Kane

1051 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2008 :  11:40:45 AM  Show Profile
I have to be careful...I have a habit of opening and closing my own topics!
While two of Ozzie's C Mauna Loa songs use a lot of Thumb crossing to hit alternating bass on the G (an awkward adjustment for my careless thumb)...
It seems on Ulili E, Dennis's thumb is mostly catching the low C and G bass notes, while the top is quite nice 6ths or a very sweet fingernail (index?) brush/strum of the upper 3 voices/strings...less of the cross-over...but magnificent lead and voice accompaniment.

He always makes it look like a "walk in the park"...
while many of us make it look like we "stepped in glue"...with both our brains and our fingers! (Betcha didn't know I had two brains!).

His technique seems to utilize alot of Thumb and index (Pointer), for much of his way of making the steel sing.
His black Thumb and index nails are the lead dancers, I reckon...although if there was a close-up camera shot, maybe I'd know more.

And then there's that magnificent songwriting!
OK, I know Dennis sometimes drops in here...but it wouldn't hurt to say truthful, nice things once in a while, eh?
And I'm not running for office either.
Gotta go...I gotta go text message to myself.
Maybe I can master some new defaults.
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Luna Ho`omalu

1533 Posts

Posted - 11/08/2008 :  5:57:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit hapakid's Homepage
I took one of Dennis' generic slack key workshops and he taught taropatch and C Maunaloa. He even uses the C tuning to back up David's "Begin the Beguine."

Jesse Tinsley
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