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Posted - 04/19/2010 :  12:11:09 AM  Show Profile  Visit ronloo's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Does anyone know the lyrics to the song "Come My House"

sung to the tune of "Polly Wolly Doodle" and makes fun of the variety of local dishes.

You come my house, you eat sushi, that's the kapanee style......
You eat dai kon and sashimi, that's the kapanee style


2368 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2010 :  06:45:02 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage  Reply with Quote
We were looking for a version of this for our radio show a few weeks ago; there's a good version on the "Hawai`i's Canary" compilation by Linda Dela Cruz. But lyrics? No got.
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Auntie Maria

1918 Posts

Posted - 04/19/2010 :  07:35:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was able to cull most of the lyrics by listening closely to Linda Dela Cruz's recording -- but a couple of words zipped by so fast, I wasn't sure what I was hearing. So....:


You come my house you eat sushi, that’s the Japanese style
You eat daikon and sashimi, that’s the Japanese style
You eat tofu, tempura too, but please take this advice
If you want gohung (?) all I have at home is papa papa (?) rice

You come my house you eat bagong, that’s the Filipino style
And then your stomach feel like there is something wrong, that’s the Filipino style
I suppose you come my house, more better come at night, that’s the Filipino style
Because the time I go to watch the chicken fight, that’s the Filipino style

You come my house for one big lu`au, that’s the Kanaka style
You eat and eat til the food all pau, that’s the Kanaka style
You drink and drink till you just one wreck, that’s the Kanaka style
Then you stop until the next welfare check, that’s the Kanaka style

The pots and pans they all pilau and the dishes dirty too
But we all wiped out and we like moemoe so what are we goin to do?

Pour the dishes in the sink, boys
Pour the dishes in the sink, boys
The pots and pans they all can wait, tonight we’re gonna celebrate
Pour the dishes in the sink

Call the neighbors to come over, call the neighbors to come over
The pots and pans they all can wait, tonight we’re gonna celebrate
Pour the dishes in the sink
Pour the dishes in the sink

Auntie Maria
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2174 Posts

Posted - 04/20/2010 :  3:13:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Pekelo Cosma did a version on one of his albums.
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