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5052 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  01:15:11 AM  Show Profile
This is so exciting that I just cannot wait until next weekend to post the links. Our own darling Kory Tideman, aka Thumbstruck, is now the proud papa of some videos on You Tube. I am sure you will enjoy his lively playing. Listen to Baby Kalae and two Kory originals -- Nupepa Slack Key and No Bodda Me. How cool is that!

Rush to You Tube right now! http://youtube.com/user/thumbstruck

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,

Edited by - wcerto on 04/21/2008 07:01:42 AM


2368 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  06:24:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Nupepa Slack Key is one of the most enjoyable pieces I have heard in years, and Momi & I are tickled that we get regular opportunities to play it along with Thumbstruck.

It was written to honor Rochelle, the luna ho`oponopono of the Northwest Hawai`i Times, and provides the perfect soundtrack to your own imagined visual image of all the work she does each month, writing some stories, assembling the elements, editing da pepa, going holoholo to get it to the printer by deadline, picking it up, distributing it all over the region, then pau.

Then it circles back to the start, where the cycle repeats itself for next month's issue.

Mahalo, Rochelle, for five years' efforts to date, and to Kory for celebrating it in a fashion that includes all the rest of us.
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1105 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  08:23:24 AM  Show Profile
Proud to be his friend. He does have a sort of Atta sound when he plays in C. It those chords man.

No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō.
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1799 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  08:50:02 AM  Show Profile
So who's going to be video recording Kory et al for Youtube and historical posterity at Northwest Folklife next month?

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Peter Medeiros

546 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  09:05:28 AM  Show Profile  Visit Peter Medeiros's Homepage
Dear Kory,
I don't say this often, but this took me back to when I was really young and would have to go to the weekly parties that my parents, Uncle Nani and Aunty Irmgard Aluli, Bill Cogswell (who wrote "I Wanna Go Back to My Little Grass Shack) and their other composer and musician friends would have at each other's house. I know that Aunty Irmgard Aluli, who composed Kalae, and all of the other old timers would have loved seeing this performance.

I really enjoyed your performances. You have drop C down. Your technique is flawless. The modulation was smooth and your use of passing tones gave it that real late 1930-40's guitar sound. The voice leading on both the top and bottom was excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Al, apparently this Seattle gang really can play and has a deep appreciation for Hawaiian music -- I can hear it. No wonder you're not so homesick. Boy, did you luck out when you ended up there, these guys have got real talent and are working on it.

Edited by - Peter Medeiros on 04/21/2008 09:07:23 AM
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850 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  09:12:46 AM  Show Profile
Great stuff Kory!

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1105 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  09:13:47 AM  Show Profile
Yeah Peter. Get plenny kine good music up here. I get the the words and Kory get the instrument. Guava why you no come and tape the stuff. Mark Nelson going be here too. And we are having a slack key workshop in the AM on Sunday. The Oddah Guys perform later and Retro is playing in three different events. We also jam under a tree or by the arena or anyplace where we can hear each other.

No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō.
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1799 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  09:31:43 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by noeau

Guava why you no come and tape the stuff.
Da main reason would be, I don't know how. I don't own any recording gear and barely know enough to take passable still photos using a digital camera.

So what kine food going get?

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2368 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  09:47:51 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage
Originally posted by Peter Medeiros

Al, apparently this Seattle gang really can play and has a deep appreciation for Hawaiian music -- I can hear it. No wonder you're not so homesick. Boy, did you luck out when you ended up there, these guys have got real talent and are working on it.
Very high praise indeed. Thank you, sir. Al & Kory are just two of many great players hereabouts, and they are kind enough to let me in on the fun. (My motto as a musician: "I put the rude in rudimentary.")
Originally posted by guavasunrise

So who's going to be video recording Kory et al for Youtube and historical posterity at Northwest Folklife next month?

What's this about our hysterical posteriors?
Originally posted by guavasunrise

So what kine food going get?

Ony good kine. Funny, when Keola Beamer played Folklife back in the '90s, he was willing to get up early in the morning for a radio interview with us - and the conversation turned to food in a very short period of time. (What. A. Surprise.) Folklife has a plethora (translation = ukupile) of great food booths.

Edited by - Retro on 04/21/2008 09:48:32 AM
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1799 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  10:12:17 AM  Show Profile
Originally posted by Retro

What's this about our hysterical posteriors?
No ack. I heard you laughing at mine's da last time. Good ting mine's can laugh back, even yodel too.
(translation = ukupile)
Why neva just say dat in da first place?

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5052 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  10:36:16 AM  Show Profile
To Kory for the great videos and the rest of our Seattle area friends - this is beautiful praise from Peter. Indeed a special compliment! When some one of Peter's credentials tells you you play well, you can take that to the bank.


Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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Peter Medeiros

546 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  11:04:03 AM  Show Profile  Visit Peter Medeiros's Homepage
Dear Al,
I'll keep that in mind if and when I do a book tour. I wouldn't mind jammin with you guys, I like good music where ever I can find it. I don't intend to hijack this thread, but in response to your post on another thread this is for you since you and I are the same age.
It is also for the benefit of those of you who are now older and wondering about prostate cancer and chemotherapy. Even before anything bad happens, always make sure that you have a good health plan, one that caps the major medical costs. If not you or your family could become bankrupt. The whole family suffers through the illness along with you.

My chemo is pau for now. Chemo has its benefits and drawbacks, my body has taken about all it can take, and my doctor said it would be of no further benefit at this point in time to continue through June. My PSA's have zeroed out, so that's good, but on the microscopic level with cancer all it takes is one cell for it to come back. I have an aggressive form of the cancer. I know this is something that I should always anticipate so I have to be vigilant.

The most important thing though is that I am on the right side of the grass, I'm not complaining. I've got a third shot at life, but it's going to take me several months to convalesce.

Before this was presented to me as a viable option last November, I had no idea what chemo would entail, how long it would take and when I would learn if it was effective or not.

This is what I've learned since then. A large part of the side effects are that it affects your energy level -- I am always tired. I have to regain my strength and stamina. At times I had nausea, but for the most part have maintained my weight. Because you are losing a lot of cells, it is best to increase your caloric intake to offset the loss, so you have to eat. Not big meals, but a good number of small meals through the day. There is almost always a constant fever that you have to pay attention too, once it goes over a 100 degrees, ypu have to go into the hospital, because the fever can kill you.

I lost all my hair -- funny, a couple of my classmates thought it made me look buff. The chemo also dries out your skin -- I look much older now. One day, half of my left heel and a small part of my right heel dried up and fell off just leaving raw skin -- this has happened three times. I have to constantly use moisturizer. My nervous system has been under terrific stress, I have constant muscle spasms that I cannot control. I've experienced incontinence and I have constant pain and numbness due to the neuropathy in my feet, legs and hands. I walk with a cane now.

Because my immune system has been compromised and is weak I've spent most of my time alone in quarantine. The exceptions are of course time with my wife and the one public outing I take a week. I have taught one section of slack key a week to keep the course open, but it has been a struggle -- getting ready for it, performing and then recovering from it. Teaching is worth the effort though, it keeps my synapses functioning and it keeps me engaged with the world.

Although you also lose brain cells I can still think pretty clearly, and I'm pretty happy as is my family, because my cancer was treatable. So enough of this and you guys should really listen to Kory's tunes. He is a solid player.
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1628 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  2:06:55 PM  Show Profile  Visit Mark's Homepage
I am glad Kory is getting his props. He's a good guy and a good guitar player. Smashing on the old button box, too.

Or is that, smashing in his lederhosen, too?

Now where's that photo, Jean??????

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1105 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  2:43:28 PM  Show Profile
Yeah, thanks Peter I'm glad you are recovering well. My wahine went through that too not all what you did but it was along regimen and i was there for all of it. It is scary when one is faced with that sort of thing.
On a lighter note, Kory has that ability to make a middlin player like me sound good. His pa'ani really fit into the songs that we play. We all like the old stuff not too old circa 60's and 70's and some swing era music. The thing is we can sit for hours and just play and play whatever we like. There are others up here that play different styles too that just make a jam session wonderful. People like Iwalani Kamahele and Danny Kaopuiki and Bernie Simeona and of course Greg Porter and Jack Aldrich. We also get participation from Jay Syverson and Rich Smith who also makes Ukulele. The woman known as Neej opens up her home 2 times a month for jam sessions and workshops. Sometimes people come in from out of town and join us so it would be wonderful if you ever get up here for a visit and come play with us. Mark Nelson always checks in when he is in town. So we get a wealth of playing and learning experience up here.

No'eau, eia au he mea pa'ani wale nō.
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Luna Ho`omalu

1533 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  2:46:20 PM  Show Profile  Visit hapakid's Homepage
Did anyone mention that on a recent trip, Led Ka'apana dragged Kory and his sidekick, our favorite steeler, Jack, to a number of gigs as backup? That Kory's pidgin is thicker than most kama'aina? That he plays mandolin, banjo, dobro, several styles of accordion and slack key, but refuses to sing? That he calls me occasionally and plays me new slack key compositions on the phone (How's that for TP name dropping??)? That he can play Tejano and other styles of European accordion?
He's a good guy and a very accomplished musician.
Jesse Tinsley
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2174 Posts

Posted - 04/21/2008 :  3:23:06 PM  Show Profile
It's just a nervous habit, I guess. The old guy told me that if I didn't quit pickin' at it, it would never heal.
I've been blessed with great folks to play music with. Thanks for the compliments, but the videos didn't show the other musiceans jamming with me in my head.
Peter, maintenance is the key. I choke down my antioxidants regularly, and the Doc knows who I am.
Jesse, next time I'll do "Hapakid Slack Key".
Al, you still working on da words fo' "Nupepa Slack key" or what?
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