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850 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  02:33:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I Don't know you Bill, but from the audio clips I have heard and the post I have read, you are a very fine musician and a great guy. I don't wish to cause conflict between us but now I have to ask you this bluntly: Bill, are you playing Hawaiian music because you love the music or because you want to be accepted as Hawaiian? One reason is obviously right and the other one is completely wrong. You will never be a Hawaiian Bill, but damn you Bill, if you play the music that moves you for the right reasons, all the other crap will not take you down. Don't be such a friggin' idiot and Snap out of it.


Edited by - RWD on 02/15/2011 02:38:06 AM
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2174 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  06:18:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Awards are interesting. They seem to mean so much in the moment, but time tells all. "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Wizard of Oz" both bonbed at the box office. They were "easy" to put on TV because the studios didn't really care. Which movies got the Oscars in the respective years those 2 movies came out? Who gives a rip? I sit through at least parts of those 2 movies every holiday season (great excuse for popcorn). Enjoy what you do, keep your ears open. You can learn to enjoy what you didn't like as you grow in your understanding. Your coffee is ready, Kory. OK, thanks.
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5052 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  06:51:40 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think Gone with the Wind (my fav movie of all time) won the year that Wizard of Oz came out. But I hear ya, Kory.

I am thinking back to when Bonnie Raitt won the blues category.

Me ke aloha
Malama pono,
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2368 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  07:20:41 AM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have read and read and re-read this thread several times, knowing that I was going to have to add something to it.

I realized this morning that all I have to contribute is a note of support for Bill's initial post; he has nailed this issue with astounding clarity.

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chunky monkey

1023 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  09:08:17 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What I find interesting is that I don't remember hearing such vitriol concerning the Na Hoku awards or the Merrie Monarch, that were and are, in my opinion just as political and irrational as the Grammy. It's about votes; how often does the really deserving performer (or kumu) ever win?

I've a little anecdote that might add some light to the reaction to the Grammy award. Without naming names, a few years ago, I was privy to a couple of days of absolutely wonderful time spent with several Hawaiian performers, all of whom I admire for talent and for what they represent. Everything was nirvana, talking story, laughing, playing music until it came time to split the take for CD sales at the performance for which they were present. Let me say, "It's business folks". When it comes to eating and paying rent, we all revert to our primal instincts. IMHO, the reactions to the Grammy are based largely on what the grammy, rightly or not, means to future income. Why else, would they care? These are professional musicians who have all accomplished way more than what the grammy ought to mean.

Was I dissapointed in the award? Sure, but I thought that there were deserving efforts that didn't make the final 5. I also don't understand why Johnnie Rivers isn't in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Tom Waits is. Or why my favorite baseball player of all time didn't make the MLB Hall of Fame. What do I know?

Edited by - chunky monkey on 02/15/2011 09:09:37 AM
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75 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  09:26:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Retro

I have read and read and re-read this thread several times, knowing that I was going to have to add something to it.

I realized this morning that all I have to contribute is a note of support for Bill's initial post; he has nailed this issue with astounding clarity.



The issues that Bill raises go far beyond any individuals. That is why his posts merit deep reflection and thoughtful discussion. It heartens me to read through the thread.

ke aloha no.

amy k
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6 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  09:29:32 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've said what I had to say.

All I can add, is that to have an object, any object, become your "life" sets you up for pain and heartache. Your life has to be YOU. Everything else enhances your life.

--Bill B

The easiest and hardest thing to do in life is Live Aloha....
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1511 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  09:45:44 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ikaika

I've said what I had to say.

All I can add, is that to have an object, any object, become your "life" sets you up for pain and heartache. Your life has to be YOU. Everything else enhances your life.

--Bill B

As Josph Campbell said "When the Hero goes for his bliss, all sorts of difficulties arise". Go for it, and what the hell happens will, but it's worth it.

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4551 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  10:54:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage  Send Admin an AOL message  Send Admin an ICQ Message  Send Admin a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Bill's post is one of the best that I have read here in recent memory. It is both thought provoking and from the heart. At first, I interpreted his title to be for added effect to help make his point. However, after reading his post, I think he means what he says so I can only hope that his decision is a temporary one.

What can I say? The Hawaiian Grammy has become an annual dose of déjà vu. I am not sure how many years qualify a dynasty but applied to the Grammy award, I think it is safe to say that Daniel Ho has established one. Congrats to him, Tia and Dr. Amy Stillman for this year’s win. Bill is right to point out the unfortunate negative reaction. It makes me wonder what it might feel like to win a Grammy and yet experience all the negative backlash that goes with it. Pretty safely, I can say that I will never know.

Does competition bring out the worst in people? As chunk said, it is business. We are talking about peoples' livelihoods. I venture to add that it is also about passion. I think we can agree that most of us at the 'patch tend to be very passionate about Hawaiian music. Even outside of Hawaiian music, the flip side of peoples' passion is that they are going to react strongly, both positively and negatively. Feelings run strong because we care. You add a cultural component to the music discussion and you exponentially add layers of complexity. That is what we experience in Hawaiian music.

Personally, I have a hard time becoming overly focused on the aloha versus no aloha topic. I became engrossed in this music as an outsider and can tell you that I have been invited in far many more times than shut out. Sadly, human nature is what it is. Here driving on the East Coast, I'm cut off and flipped the bird far more often than having a fellow driver yield while flashing the shaka sign, but it doesn't stop me from driving. I think that the good news is that after everyone calms down, we all move on. It is the same for the Grammys or road rage.

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2174 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  11:35:14 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"It's only a movie." - Alfred Hitchcock
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2368 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  1:46:22 PM  Show Profile  Visit Retro's Homepage  Reply with Quote
"It's only a model." - Monty Python (& the Holy Grail)
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fred d

60 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  3:27:56 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I will never be hawiian and or a great hawiian music player and I don't really give a sh## I was born a redneck and don't like there music and love the hawiian style it's WRONG for a talent like the original poster to stop helping the rest of us who are trying there is a lot of music I don't care for and as a competer for 60 years I will say thay a lot is riged money talks and it is easy to pay for results forget it and move on Please stay here and help us who want it ( by the way I can change the results for the right amount of money--- Big Gun for hire )

fred davis
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294 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  4:30:21 PM  Show Profile  Visit Darin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi folks,

Lots has been said about some of the reactions to Tia's win, but I would be hesitant to over-interpret the Twitter and Facebook posts. I was sitting next to all of the non-Tia/Daniel nominees and can say that while folks were disappointed, everyone took it in stride. The rest of the evening was filled with fun, comraderie and enjoying some incredible Grammy performances. We had a great time, and the experience of being surrounded by ultra-talented musicians was nothing short of inspiring.

Congrats to Tia and Daniel.

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294 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  4:32:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit Darin's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Andy, you can avoid the East Coast road rage by moving to Oahu.

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Turtle Song

47 Posts

Posted - 02/15/2011 :  9:57:32 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hwnmusiclives

I don’t know why any outsider thinks he has the right or the privilege to play Hawaiian music.

Because Auntie Nona said I could.

Bill, I hope you'll change your mind and come back to your love of the music.


The seeds for the flowering of our personal peace are within our hopeful, but fragmented, selves. Reflection and silence compose the winds that nurture our simplicity that is the essence of beauty. - Frank Howell
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